Noun antipsychotic agent has 1 sense
  1. major tranquilizer, major tranquillizer, major tranquilliser, antipsychotic drug, antipsychotic agent, antipsychotic, neuroleptic drug, neuroleptic agent, neuroleptic - tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired
    --1 is a kind of tranquilizer, tranquillizer, tranquilliser, antianxiety agent, ataractic drug, ataractic agent, ataractic
    --1 has particulars:
     chlorpromazine, Thorazine; clozapine, Clozaril; diphenylbutyl piperidine; fluphenazine; haloperidol, Haldol; loxapine, Loxitane; molindone, Moban; prochlorperazine; thioridazine, Mellaril; thiothixene, Navane; lithium carbonate, Lithane, Lithonate, Eskalith