Noun belgique has 1 sense
  1. Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium, Belgique - a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    --1 is a kind of European country, European nation
    --1 is a part of Europe
    --1 is a member of
     Benelux; European Union, EU, European Community, EC, European Economic Community, EEC, Common Market, Europe; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO
    --1 has parts:
     Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgian capital, capital of Belgium; Antwerpen, Antwerp, Anvers; Bruges, City of Bridges; Charleroi; Gent, Gand, Ghent; Liege, Luik; Namur; Meuse, Meuse River; Sambre, Sambre River; Scheldt, Scheldt River
    --1 has members: Belgian; Fleming; Walloon