Noun bharat has 1 sense
  1. India, Republic of India, Bharat - a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947
    --1 is a kind of Asian country, Asian nation
    --1 is a part of Asia
    --1 is a member of
     British Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Nations; Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, OPEC
    --1 has parts:
     Assam; Karnataka, Mysore; Manipur; Hindustan; Sikkim; Kanara, Canara; Punjab; Delhi, Old Delhi; Bangalore; Jabalpur, Jubbulpore; Kolkata, Calcutta; Mumbai, Bombay; Agra; Hyderabad; Chennai, Madras; Lucknow; Mysore; Salem; Andhra Pradesh; Bihar; Goa; Gujarat, Gujerat; Tamil Nadu, Madras; Uttar Pradesh; Gujarat, Gujerat; Maharashtra; Orissa; Nilgiri Hills; West Bengal; Kashmir, Cashmere, Jammu and Kashmir; Brahmaputra, Brahmaputra River; Ganges, Ganges River; Himalayas, Himalaya Mountains, the Himalaya; Kamet; Nanda Devi; Pobeda Peak, Pobedy Peak; Tien Shan, Tyan Shan
    --1 has members: Indian