Noun bitter cress has 1 sense
  1. bittercress, bitter cress - any of various herbs of the genus Cardamine, having usually pinnate leaves and racemes of white, pink or purple flowers; cosmopolitan except Antarctic
    --1 is a kind of cress, cress plant
    --1 is a member of Cardamine, genus Cardamine
    --1 has particulars:
     lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower, meadow cress, Cardamine pratensis; coral-root bittercress, coralroot, coralwort, Cardamine bulbifera, Dentaria bulbifera; crinkleroot, crinkle-root, crinkle root, pepper root, toothwort, Cardamine diphylla, Dentaria diphylla; spring cress, Cardamine bulbosa; purple cress, Cardamine douglasii