Noun cornel has 1 sense
  1. dogwood, dogwood tree, cornel - a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy bracts resembling flowers
    --1 is a kind of angiospermous tree, flowering tree
    --1 is a member of Cornus, genus Cornus
    --1 has substances: dogwood
    --1 has particulars:
     common white dogwood, eastern flowering dogwood, Cornus florida; red osier, red osier dogwood, red dogwood, American dogwood, redbrush, Cornus stolonifera; silky dogwood, Cornus obliqua; silky cornel, silky dogwood, Cornus amomum; common European dogwood, red dogwood, blood-twig, pedwood, Cornus sanguinea; bunchberry, dwarf cornel, crackerberry, pudding berry, Cornus canadensis; cornelian cherry, Cornus mas