Noun doctor of the church has 1 sense
  1. Doctor of the Church, Doctor - (Roman Catholic Church) a title conferred on 33 saints who distinguished themselves through the othodoxy of their theological teaching; "the Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages"
    --1 is a kind of theologian, theologist, theologizer, theologiser
    --1 has particulars:
     Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, St. Ambrose; Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas, St. Thomas, Saint Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas Aquinas; Athanasius, Saint Athanasius, St. Athanasius, Athanasius the Great; Augustine, Saint Augustine, St. Augustine, Augustine of Hippo; Basil, St. Basil, Basil of Caesarea, Basil the Great, St. Basil the Great; Bede, Saint Bede, St. Bede, Baeda, Saint Baeda, St. Baeda, Beda, Saint Beda, St. Beda, the Venerable Bede; Gregory, Gregory I, Saint Gregory I, St. Gregory I, Gregory the Great; Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nazianzen; Jerome, Saint Jerome, St. Jerome, Hieronymus, Eusebius Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus; John Chrysostom, St. John Chrysostom