Noun dulness has 4 senses
  1. dullness, dulness, obtuseness - the quality of being slow to understand
    --1 is a kind of stupidity
    --1 has particulars: oscitancy, oscitance
  2. dullness, dulness - the quality of lacking interestingness
    --2 is a kind of uninterestingness
    --2 has particulars:
     boringness, dreariness; tediousness, tedium, tiresomeness; jejunity, jejuneness, tameness, vapidity, vapidness
  3. dullness, dulness - a lack of visual brightness
    --3 is a kind of visual property
    --3 has particulars:
     dimness, subduedness; flatness, lusterlessness, lustrelessness, mat, matt, matte
  4. dullness, dulness, bluntness - without sharpness of edge or point
    --4 is a kind of shape, form, configuration, contour, conformation
    --4 has particulars: obtuseness