Noun everlasting flower has 1 sense
  1. everlasting, everlasting flower - any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
    --1 is a kind of composite, composite plant
    --1 is a member of
     Compositae, family Compositae, Asteraceae, family Asteraceae, aster family
    --1 has particulars:
     pink-and-white everlasting, pink paper daisy, Acroclinium roseum; pearly everlasting, cottonweed, Anaphalis margaritacea; cudweed; strawflower, golden everlasting, yellow paper daisy, Helichrysum bracteatum; strawflower; cascade everlasting, Ozothamnus secundiflorus, Helichrysum secundiflorum; Swan River everlasting, rhodanthe, Rhodanthe manglesii, Helipterum manglesii; immortelle, Xeranthemum annuum