Adjective pituitary has 2 senses
  1. pituitary - of or relating to the pituitary gland; "pituitary hormone"
  2. acromegalic, pituitary - having abnormal size with overgrown extremities resulting from abnormal pituitary secretion; "a protruding acromegalic jaw"; "a pituitary dwarf"
    Antonym: shapely (indirect, via unshapely)
,Noun pituitary has 1 sense
  1. pituitary, pituitary gland, pituitary body, hypophysis - the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain
    --1 is a kind of endocrine gland, endocrine, ductless gland
    --1 is a part of diencephalon, interbrain, betweenbrain, thalmencephalon
    --1 has parts:
     hypophyseal stalk; anterior pituitary, anterior pituitary gland, adenohypophysis; posterior pituitary, posterior pituitary gland, neurohypophysis, pars nervosa