Adjective putrid has 5 senses
  1. putrid - of or relating to or attended by putrefaction; "putrid decomposition"
  2. infected, purulent, pussy, putrid - having undergone infection; "a purulent wound"
    Antonym: antiseptic (indirect, via septic)
  3. putrefied, putrified, putrid - in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor; "horrible like raw and putrid flesh"- Somerset Maugham
    Antonyms: unrotten, unrotted (indirect, via rotten)
  4. fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, noisome, smelly, putrid, stinking - offensively malodorous; "a putrid smell"
    Antonym: fragrant (indirect, via malodorous)
  5. putrid - morally corrupt or evil; "the putrid atmosphere of the court"
    incorrupt (indirect, via corrupt)