Noun tabernacle has 3 senses
  1. Tabernacle, Mormon Tabernacle - the Mormon temple
    --1 is a kind of Jewish holy day; temple; Jewish holy day; temple
    --1 is a part of Tishri
  2. Tabernacle - (Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant on their exodus
    --2 is a kind of
    sanctuary; sanctuary
    --2 has parts: holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum
  3. synagogue, temple, tabernacle - (Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
    --3 is a kind of place of worship, house of prayer, house of God, house of worship; place of worship, house of prayer, house of God, house of worship
    --3 has particulars: Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Solomon