Noun x ray has 2 senses
  1. X ray, X-radiation, roentgen ray - electromagnetic radiation of short wavelength produced when high-speed electrons strike a solid target
    --1 is a kind of electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, nonparticulate radiation; ionizing radiation
  2. roentgenogram, X ray, X-ray picture, X-ray photograph - a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis
    --2 is a kind of radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagraph, skiagram
    --2 has particulars:
     angiocardiogram; angiogram; arteriogram; arthrogram; encephalogram, pneumoencephalogram; hysterosalpingogram; mammogram; myelogram; pyelogram; venogram, phlebogram
,Verb x ray has 2 senses
  1. x-ray - examine by taking x-rays
    --1 is one way to examine, see
    Derived form: noun X-raying1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
  2. x-ray - take an x-ray of something or somebody; "The doctor x-rayed my chest"
    --2 is one way to photograph, snap, shoot
    Derived form: noun X-raying1
    Sample sentence:
    Did he x-ray his foot?