Adjective dazzled has 2 senses
  1. dazzled - having vision overcome temporarily by or as if by intense light; "she shut her dazzled eyes against the sun's brilliance"
    sighted (indirect, via blind)
  2. dazzled - stupefied or dizzied by something overpowering; "I fall back dazzled at beholding myself all rosy red, / At having, I myself, caused the sun to rise."- `Chanticler' by Rostand
    clearheaded, clear-thinking (indirect, via confused)
,Verb dazzle has 2 senses
  1. dazzle, bedazzle, daze - to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light; "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"
    --1 is one way to blind
    Derived form: noun dazzle1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
  2. dazzle - amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill; "Her arguments dazzled everyone"; "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
    --2 is one way to
    amaze, astonish, astound
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody