Noun felis domesticus has 1 sense
  1. domestic cat, house cat, Felis domesticus, Felis catus - any domesticated member of the genus Felis
    --1 is a kind of cat, true cat
    --1 is a member of Felis, genus Felis; clowder
    --1 has particulars:
     kitty, kitty-cat, puss, pussy, pussycat; mouser; alley cat, stray; tom, tomcat; tabby, queen; tabby, tabby cat; tiger cat; tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell-cat, calico cat; Persian cat; Angora, Angora cat; Siamese cat, Siamese; Burmese cat; Egyptian cat; Maltese cat; Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat; Manx cat