Adjective pacific has 3 senses
  1. pacific - promoting peace; "the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up"
    unpeaceful (indirect, via peaceful)
  2. Pacific - relating to or bordering the Pacific Ocean; "Pacific islands"
  3. pacific, peaceable - disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature; "the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force"; "a quiet and peaceable person"; "in a peaceable and orderly manner"
    Antonym: unpeaceful (indirect, via peaceful)
,Noun pacific has 1 sense
  1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean - the largest ocean in the world
    --1 is a kind of ocean
    --1 has parts:
     Guadalupe Island; Aleutian Islands, Aleutians; Oceania, Oceanica; Australasia; Austronesia; Wake Island, Wake; Malay Archipelago, East Indies, East India; New Guinea, Papua; Japan, Japanese Islands, Japanese Archipelago; Volcano Islands; New Zealand; Palau, Palau Islands, Belau, Pelew; Philippines, Philippine Islands; Santa Catalina, Catalina Island; Antarctic Ocean; Arafura Sea; Bering Sea; Coral Sea; East China Sea; Gulf of Alaska; Gulf of Tehuantepec; Osaka Bay; Puget Sound; San Diego Bay; San Francisco Bay; Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; South China Sea; Tasman Sea; Yellow Sea
    --1 has particulars: North Pacific; South Pacific