Adjective contracted has 1 sense
  1. contracted - reduced in size or pulled together; "the contracted pupils of her eyes"
    expanded, dilated, distended, swollen, enlarged
,Verb contract has 9 senses
  1. contract, undertake - enter into a contractual arrangement
    --1 is one way to promise, assure
    Derived forms: noun contract1, noun contractor1
    Sample sentence:
    They contract to move
  2. sign, contract, sign on, sign up - engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season"
    --2 is one way to hire, engage, employ
    Derived form: noun contract1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s somebody
  3. compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, press - squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"
    --3 is one way to tighten
    Derived forms: noun contraction1, noun contracture1, noun contractor4
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  4. shrink, contract - become smaller or draw together; "The fabric shrank"; "The balloon shrank"
    --4 is one way to decrease, diminish, lessen, fall
    Antonyms: expand, spread out
    Derived form: noun contraction4
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
  5. contract, take, get - be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
    --5 is one way to sicken, come down
    Derived form: noun contracting1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  6. contract - make smaller; "The heat contracted the woollen garment"
    --6 is one way to
    shrink, reduce
    Derived form: noun contraction4
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  7. condense, concentrate, contract - compress or concentrate; "Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan"
    --7 is one way to change, alter, modify
    Derived form: noun contraction4
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  8. narrow, contract - make or become more narrow or restricted; "The selection was narrowed"; "The road narrowed"
    --8 is one way to change
    Derived form: noun contraction4
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  9. abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce - reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
    --9 is one way to decrease, lessen, minify
    Antonyms: elaborate, lucubrate, expatiate, exposit, enlarge, flesh out, expand, expound, dilate
    Derived form: noun contraction4
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something