Adjective revived has 2 senses
  1. revived - restored to consciousness or life or vigor; "felt revived hope"
    unrevived, unrenewed
  2. reanimated, revived - given fresh life or vigor or spirit; "stirred by revived hopes"
    Antonym: unanimated (indirect, via animated)
,Verb revive has 5 senses
  1. resuscitate, revive - cause to regain consciousness; "The doctors revived the comatose man"
    --1 is one way to bring to, bring back, bring round, bring around
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
  2. animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, renovate, repair, quicken, vivify, revivify - give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"
    --2 is one way to stimulate, arouse, brace, energize, energise, perk up
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
  3. revive - be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; "Interest in ESP revived"
    --3 is one way to
    boom, prosper, thrive, get ahead, flourish, expand
    Derived form: noun revival1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
  4. revive, resurrect - restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"; "He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
    --4 is one way to regenerate, restore, rejuvenate
    Derived form: noun revival1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  5. come to, revive, resuscitate - return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection"
    --5 is one way to change state, turn
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s