Adjective roving has 1 sense
  1. mobile, nomadic, peregrine, roving, wandering - (of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes"
    Antonym: settled (indirect, via unsettled)
,Noun roving has 1 sense
  1. wandering, roving, vagabondage - travelling about without any clear destination; "she followed him in his wanderings and looked after him"
    --1 is a kind of peregrination
    --1 has particulars: drifting
    Derived form: verb rove1
,Verb rove has 1 sense
  1. roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
    --1 is one way to travel, go, move, locomote
    Derived form: noun roving1
    Sample sentences:
    They rove the countryside
    They rove in the countryside