Noun stargazer has 3 senses
  1. lotus-eater, stargazer - someone indifferent to the busy world; "in the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence"
    --1 is a kind of daydreamer, woolgatherer
    Derived form: verb stargaze2
  2. astronomer, uranologist, stargazer - a physicist who studies astronomy
    --2 is a kind of physicist
    --2 has particulars:
     astrophysicist; cosmologist; Alhazen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham; Anaximander; Aristarchus of Samos; Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel; Bowditch, Nathaniel Bowditch; Celsius, Anders Celsius; Copernicus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Mikolaj Kopernik; Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington; Eratosthenes; Galileo, Galileo Galilei; Hale, George Ellery Hale; Hall, Asaph Hall; Halley, Edmond Halley, Edmund Halley; Herschel, William Herschel, Sir William Herschel, Sir Frederick William Herschel; Herschel, John Herschel, Sir John Herschel, Sir John Frederick William Herschel; Hipparchus; Huggins, Sir William Huggins; Hypatia; Kepler, Johannes Kepler, Johan Kepler; Langley, Samuel Pierpoint Langley; Laplace, Marquis de Laplace, Pierre Simon de Laplace; Lovell, Sir Bernard Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell; Lowell, Percival Lowell; Mitchell, Maria Mitchell; Muller, Johann Muller, Regiomontanus; Newcomb, Simon Newcomb; Omar Khayyam; Oort, Jan Hendrix Oort; Peirce, Benjamin Peirce; Ptolemy, Claudius Ptolemaeus; Rittenhouse, David Rittenhouse; Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Norris Russell; Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli; Shapley, Harlow Shapley; Sitter, Willem de Sitter; Thales, Thales of Miletus; Tombaugh, Clyde William Tombaugh
    Derived form: verb stargaze1
  3. stargazer - heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head
    --3 is a kind of
    percoid fish, percoid, percoidean
    --3 is a member of Uranoscopidae, family Uranoscopidae