| share, portion, part, percentage; tax base; receivables; crown jewel; deep pocket; reserve assets; sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money; resource; intangible, intangible asset; liquid assets, quick assets; investment, investment funds; equity; security, protection; material resource; capital; capital, working capital; funds, finances, monetary resource, cash in hand, pecuniary resource; hole card; credit; accounts receivable; 1 sense of asset ; asset, plus; resource; advantage, vantage; forte, strong suit, long suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong point, strength; assets; share, portion, part, percentage; tax base; receivables; crown jewel; deep pocket; reserve assets; sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money; resource; intangible, intangible asset; liquid assets, quick assets; investment, investment funds; equity; security, protection; material resource; capital; capital, working capital; funds, finances, monetary resource, cash in hand, pecuniary resource; hole card; credit; accounts receivable; 1 sense of asset ; asset, plus; resource; advantage, vantage; forte, strong suit, long suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong point, strength |