Noun feeling has 6 senses
  1. feeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"
    --1 is a kind of
    psychological feature
    --1 has particulars:
     affect; emotion; thing; glow; soul, soulfulness; passion, passionateness; sentiment; complex; ambivalence, ambivalency; apathy; desire; sex, sexual urge; pleasure, pleasance; pain, painfulness; pang, stab, twinge; liking; dislike; gratitude; ingratitude, ungratefulness; unconcern; shame; pride, pridefulness; humility, humbleness; astonishment, amazement; devastation; expectation; levity; gravity, solemnity; sensitivity, sensitiveness; agitation; calmness; fearlessness, bravery; happiness; sadness, unhappiness; hope; despair; affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, heart, warmheartedness; temper, mood, humor, humour; sympathy, fellow feeling; enthusiasm
    Derived form: verb feel1
  2. impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
    --2 is a kind of idea, thought
    --2 has particulars:
     presence; effect; first blush; intuition, hunch, suspicion
    Derived form: verb feel2
  3. spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
    --3 is a kind of atmosphere, ambiance, ambience
    --3 has particulars: Hollywood; Zeitgeist
    Derived form: verb feel6
  4. feeling - a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
    --4 is a kind of
    somesthesia, somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation
    --4 has particulars: constriction
    Derived form: verb feel3
  5. touch, touch sensation, tactual sensation, tactile sensation, feeling - the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
    --5 is a kind of perception
    --5 has particulars: cutaneous sensation, haptic sensation, skin sensation
    Derived form: verb feel9
  6. feeling, intuitive feeling - an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music"
    --6 is a kind of intuition
    --6 has particulars: sprachgefuhl
,Verb feel has 13 senses
  1. feel, experience - undergo an emotional sensation; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"
    Derived forms: noun feelings1, noun feeling1
    Sample sentence:
    John will feel angry
  2. find, feel - come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
    --2 is one way to reason, reason out, conclude
    Derived forms: noun feel1, noun feeling2
    Sample sentence:
    They feel that there was a traffic accident
  3. feel, sense - perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles; "He felt the wind"; "She felt an object brushing her arm"; "He felt his flesh crawl"; "She felt the heat when she got out of the car"
    --3 is one way to perceive, comprehend
    Derived forms: noun feel3, noun feeling4
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
  4. feel - seem with respect to a given sensation given; "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"
    --4 is one way to
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s Adjective
  5. feel - have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
    --5 is one way to
    think, believe, consider, conceive
    Derived form: noun feelings1
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s something Adjective/Noun
    Somebody ----s somebody PP
    Somebody ----s something PP
    Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
  6. feel - undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"; "she felt his contempt of her"
    --6 is one way to
    experience, undergo, see, go through
    Derived form: noun feeling3
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  7. feel - be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"
    --7 is one way to
    look, appear, seem
    Derived form: noun feel2
    Sample sentence:
    The cool air does feel good
  8. feel - grope or feel in search of something; "He felt for his wallet"
    --8 is one way to
    search, seek, look for
    Derived form: noun feel3
    Sample sentence:
    The men feel the area for animals
  9. feel, finger - examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater"
    Derived forms: noun feeler4, noun feeler1, noun feel3, noun feeling5
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  10. palpate, feel - examine (a body part) by palpation; "The nurse palpated the patient's stomach"; "The runner felt her pulse"
    --10 is one way to touch
    Derived form: noun feel3
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  11. feel - find by testing or cautious exploration; "He felt his way around the dark room"
    --11 is one way to
    find, regain
    Derived forms: noun feeler4, noun feeler1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  12. feel - produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"
    --12 is one way to
    look, appear, seem
    Derived form: noun feel2
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s Adjective/Noun
  13. feel - pass one's hands over the sexual organs of; "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
    --13 is one way to
    Derived form: noun feel4
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s somebody